Phoenix Thunder

Michael February 8, 2018  4868
Phoenix Thunder 2022 Team Photo

The Phoenix Thunder ice hockey team was created in 2008 in Dunedin, New Zealand.

In 2023, a new leadership culture has been set-up to promote and develop local players in priority. Lead by general manager, David Richards, the vision of the Phoenix Thunder as an organisation is to develop young leaders by teaching them the foundations of high performance. 90% of the Phoenix Thunder’s players are students from Otago University based in Dunedin. The Phoenix Thunder is run by a talented and dedicated team of 8 volunteers – including coaching staff, sharing the same vision and values for the team.

Staff Directory
Head Coach: Guillaume Leclancher
Assistant Coach: Matas Barakauskas
Team Manager: Graeme Darling

Arena Info
Dunedin Ice Stadium
101 Victoria Road, St Kilda, Dunedin
(03) 456 4556

History and Accomplishments
2013: Runner Up
2014: Runner Up

Media Links